Design & Installation Services
Work with PA to design a custom challenge course
If you are interested in building a challenge course at your site, we can help you get started.
There is no one-size-fits-all or standard challenge course! Every challenge course we build is a custom course. Challenge courses come in many forms and sizes, all based on your space, your budget, and your goals.
Here are some helpful questions to get you started in your planning:
Are you hoping to build outside or indoors? If outside, do you have trees that could be used for a course, or will you need to install poles? Or maybe both?
Do you want high elements, low elements, or both? High elements involve climbing and belaying and include climbing walls, ropes courses, and zip lines. Low elements are close to the ground and don't involve the need for harnesses. Many courses contain a combination of both.
What are your goals for this challenge course? What do you want your participants to learn or experience? That helps us make recommendations for elements and design.
How and when will you train your staff? Who will manage your challenge course operations? Who will facilitate activities? Annual practitioner training is required by ACCT standards and many insurance companies, and is best practice for safety and risk management. We can help you put together a plan.
Do you want any adaptive elements for participants with special needs?
What are your institution’s procedures for construction or large purchases? Many school districts, for instance, require a bidding process from multiple vendors. Some organizations need extensive lead-time to fundraise. It's helpful to know your process so we can best serve you.
When you’re ready to get started, email or call (978)524-4500
World-Renowned Innovation
When you partner with PA to design your challenge course, you are choosing to partner with the organization that has been leading the market in innovation since 1971. Having installed thousands of courses in all 50 states and more than 20 countries, our experience in comprehensive program design is unparalleled in the industry. We are honored that most of the low and high challenge course elements that are now standard on challenge courses world-wide were designed by PA, including the Whale Watch, Pamper Pole, Dangle Duo, Team Triangle, and Swing Shot, just to name a few.
In addition to our deep experience, Project Adventure is the only organization which is accredited by both the Association for Experiential Education and the Association for Challenge Course Technology as a Professional Vendor Member (PVM); this means that in mission and in practice, we appreciate that the best challenge course is one that is intelligently designed to fit the educational goals of your unique adventure program.
We are also proud that many of our products are widely recognized as the best in the industry, including our line of belay pulleys (K1, K2), the Klinesaver shear reduction device, the LEAP Anchor, and the SAFER Lanyard. Our dedication to advancing educational adventure programming is evident throughout our history of innovation, and we guarantee it will be a part of your design.