Project Adventure

Advancing the learning and development of people, schools, and communities through the power of Adventure.

Now Booking:


A one-day adventure program to help you build community, teach social-emotional skills, and re-energize students and teachers. Our facilitators come to you!

Book now for programs in Winter and Spring

Upcoming Workshop:

Challenge Course Impact Results 2024

Climbing to New Heights

The outcomes from a recent student survey highlight the profound impact of Project Adventure's programming. The survey, conducted with over 1,000 youth participants from multiple Greater Boston communities, clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of our adventure-based learning approach in cultivating essential life skills. But don’t just take our word for it. The numbers speak for themselves, and the research supports our methods.

What We Do

Project Adventure (PA) works with schools, nonprofit organizations, educators, and others, to help them tap into what we call —

The Power of Adventure

Adventures are experiences that teach us about ourselves and others. They bond us to the people beside us and push us to grow. They’re also FUN!

We believe adventure is a powerful tool that can help our schools, workplaces, and communities thrive. We bring adventure wherever we go. We hope we can bring it to you in support of the work you do!

Our Services

Adventure Programs for All Ages

We facilitate day programs for schools, youth programs, and teams of all ages who want to strengthen their relationships and learn new ways of working together.

SEL & Mental Health Supports

We run social-emotional learning (SEL) and mental health programs in partnership with local schools and organizations, using adventure methods to build new skills and strengthen relationships.

Challenge Course Design & Installation

As an industry leader, we design and build custom challenge courses for clients from Maine to New Jersey. We also inspect and maintain courses, and offer technical training and certification.

Training, Workshops, & Retreats

We offer training in a variety of topics, including challenge course technical skills and adventure methods for teachers. Many trainings qualify for PDPs, CEUs, and/or graduate credits. We also design and deliver custom training and retreats.

imPAct Organizational Development

Project Adventure has been in the business of building stronger teams for over 50 years. Through our organizational development program, imPAct, we provide services to nonprofits and businesses. We can help strengthen your organizational practices and team dynamics to better reach your goals. Learn more here.

Ready to talk about how we can help you or your organization?

“Students that usually come across as indifferent stood out as leaders, students that do not like to speak up asked if they could do the zip line, students encouraged each other by clapping when another reached a new height or gave a ‘you can do it’ when another felt like stopping, others owned their fears and either worked to overcome or assisted others from the ground. I left the building yesterday with a smile on my face recalling the gains I witnessed.”

~Kelly K., Special Education Teacher

“Having students be responsible to help support staff and peers on the ropes is something that is hard to duplicate in another setting. I am so happy that we were able to experience this and look forward to continuing next year!”

~ Shawn H., High School Adjustment Counselor

“I was floored by how interactive, fun, and valuable this online workshop was. I had yet to experience a Zoom-style workshop, meeting, or webinar that was useful before PA. This workshop was engaging and informative, and I walked away with so much new knowledge and inspiration as a teacher.”

— PE/Health Teacher online workshop participant


Contact us.

Looking to begin the great adventure of starting an adventure program? Looking for support to increase student retention and engagement? Looking for amazing Professional Development that works? Reach out to our team of amazing professionals.
(978) 524-4500

719 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915